Monday, October 18, 2021

Still Dusty with a Side of Paint!

 So, I have had lots of dust (that I am still cleaning) but the floors are on to painting.  Paige is doing most of the painting but Antonio helps and I did a little too.

There is so much dust, but it is getting better.  On October 1st, I went to a fitness event that one of the gyms I go to puts on at hemisfair was lots of fun.....doing yoga is Paige, Me, Sam, Biz (with one of her dogs, Nova).......Paige and Bizz both won metals!

My sister and mother are in Germany and my sister has been sending lots of great pics!

my sister and mom

my aunt (left) and mom (right)

I am the cute young one here

I have some stash enhancements.

October blanket yarn

some mohair Darlene sent me to try
Mohair from Biscotte

DK From Biscotte
Barnyard knits Plum Blossom
Caramel Brulee hat pattern from the yarn from Elizabeth
All Sockhead hats....first 3 for trenton, bright yellow for Antonio

Then I met a lady online that has several CSM machines and she invited me over to crank at her house.....She cranked one while I watched and took notes and then I cranked the other.....

My crazy dogs.....sharing!

I love when Jackson gets I smallest bed

Here are two of Paige's dogs

That is really all I got.....have a great week!

Happy Happy Happy Knitting!

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