Wednesday, September 11, 2024

I have an FO!!!!!!!

 Hey guys, how are you??  Can yall belive I have an FO???  Here it is (my No Frills Cardigan):

It goes a little below my booty!

Also......I am addicted to greek salad's with Salmon.  Lupe and I went to Sea Island last week because his brother works there and he wanted to go see his brother, Manuel (which I did not get a pic of).  I got a salad with Salmon, and here it is (I did not eat the hush puppies....Lupe did).

This salad was soooooooo good, that I not only inhaled it, but I was making noises as I ate it because it was soooooo good.

So....Lupe (being the amazing man he is), recreated it for me.  I have had 5 of these salads since:

They are sooooooooooo good!

I am also kinda close to finishing some fingering weight socks for Lupe.  These are toe up with a Fleegle Heel (not my fave).

Here are the two most beautiful girls in the world!

That is pretty much all I have.  I hope to work on my monthly blanket and Lupe's blanket this week!

Happy Happy Happy Knitting!

Monday, September 2, 2024

Happy Labor Day!

 Hey everyone....sorry it has been 2 weeks since I posted, but life got in the way!

It is Labor day.....I hope you are having a great one!

I got some new yarn.  I got some new bernat blanket to make my love a blanket...He loves the 49ers, so while it looks a little like the german flag, it is for the 49ers

And here is the man himself....finally home!

I also made him some socks!

Here is some yarn that is wool and cotton for either a sweater or a shawl

I got to see Celeste play a volley ball game and I got a new Ninja Creami to make protien ice cream

My handsome big dogs (my purl was not posing for me)

That is all I really have.  Have a great week!  See ya next week!

Happy Happy Happy Knitting!

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Back to School

 Hey Everyone!  How are you?  It is back to school time.  Yesterday was Tone's first day of 7th grade

I finished some socks.....these are for my son's friend's moms.

I got August's blanket yarn too

and I finished July's part of the blanket

My leggings came in and these were made for and knitting!

That is all I have....have a great week!

Happy Happy Happy Knitting!

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Stomach Bug

Hey are you?  I am hanging in there.  Paige and Kody, however, have had a tough time of it....Amira has had a stomach bug for almost a week now.  It is terrible to watch a 3 month old throw up so much....The poor thing has been to the ER twice and Pediatrician once.  They all say it is just a bug, but it has been going on for so long.  I just feel so sorry for them.  I took yesterday off to help them, so they could get back to work.

Here are some pics of the princess (mostly sleeping).


I am making a couple of pairs of socks in that yellow submarine colorway.  Really enjoying them

I invented a new casserole yesterday.  It wasn't terrible. The broccolli came out a little too soft for me, but still edible and pretty good.

I think I have mentioned that my newphew is getting married.  Well, his best friend put together this video.  I just love it.....and thought I would share.

There is one place I mostly like to get my exercise leggings from....and while I have way too many, they came out with a new print yesterday that I just had to get.  Look how cute!  And....the perfect color!

That is all I have.....have a great week!

Happy Happy Happy Knitting!

Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Some Yarn Therapy

 Hey everyone, how are you?  I have been okay and I have had a little bit of yarn therapy lately.  My favorite DK yarn with some nylon in it.   I got 2 skeins of Later, Gator; 2 skeins of Yellow Submarine; 2 skeins of Limoncello; 1 skein After Dark; 1 skein Oh My Gourd

My dogs have been messing with my fence.....when I put the fence up, I left the old fence as not to deal with sharing neighbors.....big mistake because rodents (rats, skunk, squirrel, etc) are gettting between the two fences and driving my dogs insane.

So, my BIL came over to help me fix a few replace several of the planks at the bottom of the fence.

I watched my daughter's dogs while she took Jackson to the lakehouse.  Jackson does not like Paige's huge Great Dane, Texas.

It was a long week, so.....WINE

I also tried to make the protien bagels.....made with greek yogurt and gluten free bread flour.  They did not come out as good as I thought they would, but I tried

I finished knitting my Monthly Shawl....but still have some ends to weave in and blocking.

Well, that is all I have......I hope yall have a fabulous week!!

Happy Happy Happy Knitting!