Wednesday, September 11, 2024

I have an FO!!!!!!!

 Hey guys, how are you??  Can yall belive I have an FO???  Here it is (my No Frills Cardigan):

It goes a little below my booty!

Also......I am addicted to greek salad's with Salmon.  Lupe and I went to Sea Island last week because his brother works there and he wanted to go see his brother, Manuel (which I did not get a pic of).  I got a salad with Salmon, and here it is (I did not eat the hush puppies....Lupe did).

This salad was soooooooo good, that I not only inhaled it, but I was making noises as I ate it because it was soooooo good.

So....Lupe (being the amazing man he is), recreated it for me.  I have had 5 of these salads since:

They are sooooooooooo good!

I am also kinda close to finishing some fingering weight socks for Lupe.  These are toe up with a Fleegle Heel (not my fave).

Here are the two most beautiful girls in the world!

That is pretty much all I have.  I hope to work on my monthly blanket and Lupe's blanket this week!

Happy Happy Happy Knitting!

Monday, September 2, 2024

Happy Labor Day!

 Hey everyone....sorry it has been 2 weeks since I posted, but life got in the way!

It is Labor day.....I hope you are having a great one!

I got some new yarn.  I got some new bernat blanket to make my love a blanket...He loves the 49ers, so while it looks a little like the german flag, it is for the 49ers

And here is the man himself....finally home!

I also made him some socks!

Here is some yarn that is wool and cotton for either a sweater or a shawl

I got to see Celeste play a volley ball game and I got a new Ninja Creami to make protien ice cream

My handsome big dogs (my purl was not posing for me)

That is all I really have.  Have a great week!  See ya next week!

Happy Happy Happy Knitting!